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Facism in the home

Well it’s been quite a while between posts hasn’t it? Let’s get up to date.

IT’S SUMMER!!!!! *dances* *throws confetti*
Yes, thank jeebus it’s summer. So far I have worked for two weeks and then just sat on my ass all day! It’s been awesome.

Until now that is…..

Ugh I was having an awesome start to the day. watching episodes of Criminal Minds on tv, getting up late. You know, pretty much just enjoying my time off. Then suddenly *DUN DUN DUN* a wild pissed off mother appears. (excuse my Pokémon reference) Basically I have been forced into clearing out my wardrobe of all the clothes I don’t want anymore. In fairness, my mam has been telling me to do this for a while, but that’s not the end of it! Of course not! I then get a big ranting lecture on how I do nothing around the house, my room’s constantly a mess, blah blah blah, the usual stuff.

I don’t understand the obsession that parents seem to have with clean rooms?!?! They’re never in there! I vehemently believe that if I don’t mind my room being a bit messy then it shouldn’t matter to them! It’s MY room people!!

Anyway…. maybe there will be more rants over the summer… probably.

Also, last Saturday I went to the Glee concert in Dublin with my sister. It was frickin amazing! We had really great seats and were so close to the cast! There are some ridiculously good looking guys in that show… *swoon*. They were all great live and awesome singers. We had such a great time 😀

Later broskies,
Nagitsoc x

P.S. WHY IS IT SO HOT IN IRELAND LATELY??? I know it’s summer and all but come on, IT’S IRELAND!

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