Hear hear!!

Well It’s early days folks but *drum roll*
THIS IS THE FIRST BLOG!!! yehoo lame, We know but excitement completely overshadows things that are usually more important.Like grammar, spelling and YOU!!! Our readers the most important thing to us.Really you are …well after Gube’s hair (sometimes you have to prioritise).
Hear hear,raise a glass let’s have a toast!!

I hate to start off our blog in such a bad fashion but well…you can’t really stop me mwhahahah! anywho The reason I started this blog is about as long-winded and annoying as Polonius in Hamlet (yes! the dreaded Hamlet sneaks up on you even in cyber space!) so I won’t go on too much about it. I’m bored, ever so frickin BORED!!! Bored and annoyed. Not a good combination so I come home today after the toil and stress of exams and think ‘hey I’ll put my computer on maybe watch some criminal minds’ but apparently God not only wants me to fail my exams(nice one on that) but to loose my frickin shit too!! You don’t mess with jizz time (criminal minds).
So I’m pissed ….. hmph
It seems as if this blog may consist of me moaning about the wacky adn wonderful things in my life ….no criminal minds is not one of these.